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Eternal NOW
Sunday, 30 January 2005
Grab a Hammer, A pen, A car... There's work to do...
Topic: NOW
Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you're alive, it isn't.

-Richard Bach

Posted by Mara at 7:11 AM PST
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Saturday, 29 January 2005
Everything is OK Because Everything is OK

There are certain truths which are apparent only if one can set aside the human fear of not being enough. That fear drives this race to be "right" and even further in delusion to be "perfect."

Imagine this world, if we could allow ourselves to believe that "Everything is OK." But let's just look at this from a purely human emotion, putting aside our divinity, just humanity.

Surely we could all agree that anything other than what we are doing right now is either done or yet to be.

The past has to be OK because it is immovable, unchangeable.

The future is unknown.

So everything has to be OK because it is what it is.

It's a choice:

we can cling to what is done-unchangeable- we can cling to the unknown


we can accept what is as OK.

Being OK-acceptance- frees us from judgment and opens the door to peace and happiness.

Just imagine- NO- try it.

Love and Light



The Lord is enshrined in the hearts of all.
The Lord is the supreme Reality.
Rejoice in him through renunciation.
Covet nothing. All belongs to the Lord.
Thus working may you live a hundred years.
Thus alone will you work in real freedom.

-Isha Upanishad

Posted by Mara at 7:28 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 29 January 2005 7:32 AM PST
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Tuesday, 25 January 2005
What I Believe.
Topic: LOVE
This post is written by Jenny.

I don't belong to any church. I thought I had found one that I could relate to, but I was mistaken. That's okay, I feel closer to my creator at this point in my life than I have ever before. I would like a community, but it's unlikely I'll find a group that believes what I believe, or at the very least allows me to believe what I believe. Then I started thinking, what IS it that I believe? So, here is an incomplete list of what my spiritual beliefs are. I refer to the Divine in many ways in my blog and in my life, both genders. I do this because I do not believe that God is any one thing, any one type of being. Some of the names I use when I think of God (but surely not all the names there are): All That Is; I Am; Spirit; the Universe; Allah; the Great Spirit. Personally, I don't think God cares if you call him Fred, so long as you call. You know what I mean?
I reserve the right to alter or add to these beliefs as my evolution warrants. These are in no particular order. I believe...

1. ...that all living things have a soul. All. Each soul is on a different step of the karmic wheel. I don't believe in heaven or hell as physical places... they are manifestations of what we believe. In other words, everyone is right and everyone is wrong. Invariably, someone will ask me at this point, "Well... what about Hitler? Isn't he in hell?" Probably, but my idea of what hell would be differs from many. Being a conscious soul manifested in the lifespan of a rock... that would be hell, waiting for the physical body of that rock to disintegrate/die over thousands of years possibly, all alone, knowing that I am a being of Light but indebted karmically to be this rock until I am no longer. Think about it... how long does it take to evolve from a rock to Mother Teresa? I'm thinking since the beginning of time.
2. reincarnation. I believe that we reincarnate in other places, as well as earth. We continue to "come back" until we have experienced ourselves completely as God.
3. ...We are all God. The collective consciousness of all living things is God. Literally, his children... like a giant sun and we're all solar flares... we burst out, do our thing, and come back to the source.
4. Jesus. I believe he was the son of God, but not in the way that is taught. We are all sons/daughters of God and Jesus was the perfect example of that. I also believe that Jesus was Elijah and Moses... the same soul.
5. ...the bible is a holy book, but it is not the only one and there are some being currently written. I believe that God talks to all of us, if we are quiet with ourselves long enough to listen. That little voice??? Yeah, that's God.
6. angels and guides and that they will tell you their name if you ask them. I believe in faeries and spirits and life on other planets.
7. ...the only thing we have to do is Love and the rest follows. Love creates Light. I am the Light and the Way.
8. ...that for every soul on earth there is a unique path that leads to God. There is no wrong religion. There is no way to not go back to God... No way. Some of us will take much longer than others, some are already there, some have been there and back. It's all in what your soul has decided (free will) as far as experiencing itself. How can we know God in ourselves if we have not known what is not God?
9. ...the soul has no limitations. None. I know that if you call on a soul with whom you had a Love relationship in life (say of a family member), that they are instantly with you. The trick is to open yourself up to receive them, completely. I know this.
10. ...that we are all One, in a literal sense, some of us are more sensitive and can actually feel that one-ness; some of us are not ready to awaken; some of us understand but choose to not awaken. All is just as it should be. Even the crap of life is just as it should be, for I have chosen it in some way, as I truly am... a living spirit.

Here's the beautiful thing about my beliefs... they do not depend on your faith in them to be true. They are my truth. You have yours and it is just as true as mine. In your truth, your eternity, I probably burn in hell. That's cool (heh... not hot, get it?!). See I know it all turns out alright, The Universe told me.

Yes, she did.

Posted by Mara at 9:34 AM PST
Updated: Tuesday, 25 January 2005 9:39 AM PST
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Monday, 24 January 2005
Topic: Connected
In this world there are two orders of being: the perishable, separate creature and the changeless spirit. But beyond these there is another, the supreme Self, the eternal Lord, who enters into the entire cosmos and supports it from within.

-Bhagavad Gita 15:16-17

Posted by Mara at 6:43 AM PST
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Sunday, 23 January 2005
Too many words-
Topic: Peace
Better than a thousand useless words is one word that gives peace.


Posted by Mara at 11:53 AM PST
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Monday, 17 January 2005

Topic: Connected
I honor the God and the Goddess,
The eternal parents of the universe.

The Lover, out of boundless love,
takes the form of the Beloved.
What Beauty!
Both are made of the same nectar
and share the same food.
-Jnaneshwar (also known as Jnanadeva)

Love and Light

Posted by Mara at 4:43 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 17 January 2005 6:50 PM PST
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Sunday, 16 January 2005
Topic: Connected
That through which one enjoys form,
Taste, smell, sound,
Touch, and sexual union is the Self.
Can there be anything not known to That
Who is the One in all? Know One, know all.
That through which one enjoys the waking
And sleeping states is the Self. To know That
As consciousness is to go beyond sorrow.

-Katha Upanishad

This peace is Your peace- but believing that and accepting that are different things.

Peace- connection with the Universe- is three deep breathes away. Feel Your connection.

If You can feel that connection for a brief time- even one second- then You know it is there for the taking. Soon You will want to take bigger and bigger pieces of the peace our connectedness offers.


Love and Light


As long as space exists, and sentient beings endure,
may I too remain to relieve the suffering
of the world.

Posted by Mara at 12:01 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 16 January 2005 10:40 AM PST
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Wednesday, 12 January 2005
Just a thought
Topic: Meditation
He who wants a rose must respect the thorn.

-Persian proverb

Divine One:

Lead me past assumptions and presumptions...

Posted by Mara at 6:16 PM PST
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Sunday, 9 January 2005


Posted by Mara at 11:11 AM PST
Updated: Sunday, 9 January 2005 11:13 AM PST
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Topic: LOVE
Beginning with Me

Actually the logical place to begin anything is with me, since I have no control over You. But somehow I frequently seem to want to begin with You, if You would only understand, see it my way, allow me to manipulate the situation, I would be a benevolent God as we did things My way.
Of course there is an alternative. I could wait for You to make things happen. If they don't or Your efforts fail, its Your fault-- don't look at me.

The truth is:
If I want a gentler world, I need to be gentler;
If I want to be accepted, I need to be accepting;
If I want space, I need to give space;
If I want to be loved unconditionally, I need to love unconditionally;
If I want peace; I need to be at peace;
If I want people to be happy; I need to be happy.
If I want a nicer world, I need to be nice not just when its easy but when its not easy.
For in the end although surrounded by all of You, what I see and feel about You- about life- is inextricably bound to who I am.
So today I begin with me- and let You be.
May we grow together in
Love and Light

Posted by Mara at 9:54 AM PST
Updated: Monday, 10 January 2005 10:41 AM PST
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